Waffle House Bacon
No Mistakin' It's Quality Bacon

Like Waffle House, Smithfield is a great American success story. It began with the Luter family of Smithfield, Virginia. Joseph W. Luter, Sr. and his son, Joseph Jr., worked in various pork industry jobs before teaming up to start their own business in 1936. Under the leadership of the Luter family, Smithfield experienced significant growth in its early years. This was in part because the name Smithfield equated to quality.
Today Smithfield continues to distinguish itself as a leader in food quality. All of Smithfield’s U.S. fresh and packaged pork products are produced in the USA. They raise their hogs domestically.
Smithfield Foods is a global food company headquartered out of Smithfield, VA. With operations in 25 states and employing 50,000 Americans, Smithfield is the largest provider of pork products in the country.
The Smithfield employees in Clinton, NC and Middlesboro, KY are responsible for producing the bacon, ham and pork chops that Waffle House Customers enjoy. And like these Smithfield employees, Waffle House restaurants focus is on quality. For 32 years, Sharon Lioi, the leader of the Waffle House Quality Assurance Program, has worked with Waffle House partners, like Smithfield, to ensure that you always receive the high quality products you have come to expect. Sharon spends her days traveling to the places where our food is grown and produced. There she reviews quality assurance procedures and makes recommendations based on the latest industry best practices. You may run into Sharon at your local Waffle House restaurant because even after products leave our partners and are delivered to our restaurants, the quality checks continue.
And you do love the results. Last year, Waffle House Customers consumed over 17 million pounds of bacon, three million pounds of ham and two million pounds of pork chops. All this is thanks to your fellow Americans who work tirelessly to deliver great tasting Smithfield pork products and cook them up in your local Waffle House.

Smithfield Associate, Elgie - Clinton, NC.

Waffle House QA, Sharon - Norcross, GA.